Get to know Modeling Board
The Auburn University Modeling Board has been a respected, student-led organization for quite some time. The Board is led by a group of six elected officers and run with the help of student models, stylists, directors, and photographers. The organization has become home to 50 aspiring models, as well as countless members of their creative crew consisting of photographers, directors, and stylists. The AU Modeling Board consistently prides itself on inclusion and diversity. As one of the most diverse campus organizations, the board strives to make everyone feel welcome no matter who they are or what they look like. President, Carson Vines, explains his values of the board, saying, “I pride the modeling board on being not only a diverse organization but being a welcoming family. Me and other models alike feel comfortable and surrounded by a positive group. I love everyone’s differences and unique ways of expressing creativity. My main goal is to keep that environment and continue to inspire creativity.”

The Board hosts one fashion show a semester as well as countless photo shoots and the occasional fundraiser. Their most recent event was their annual Couture for a Cure. This show is sponsored and run by AU’s Modeling Board, featuring popular brands to Auburn such as Behind the Glass, Charming Oaks, Atelier, and even the widely known department store, Dillard’s. Brands from across the city all offer a few of their favorite clothing items to be featured in the show. Not only does this fashion show provide immense entertainment for its audience between this year’s yo-yo presentation, Models In Motion, and countless photo-worthy walks, but it also works for a cause. Every year Couture for a Cure donates its proceeds to a foundation to help with cancer research and to support families affected. The chosen foundation received a hefty donation to support children affected by this deadly disease.

The AU Modeling Board is open to all University students interested in trying out. They hold tryouts twice a year at the start of each semester. Membership involves a semester-long commitment to one fashion show, optional photo shoots, and countless outside modeling opportunities. The tryout process consists of a posing and walking example as well as a short interview. If interested in joining this organization, check out their Instagram @aumodelingboard for more details!