Auburn students and staff receive vaccine in a phased approach
At the start of the spring semester, Auburn students and staff received an email allowing them to request the COVID-19 vaccine. The purpose of the form is to prioritize individuals who may be at a higher risk for contracting the virus due to factors such as age and health, but everyone is encouraged to register to receive the vaccine. This virus has undeniably altered the way Auburn University conducts its operations as many classes have moved online and students must follow social distancing and mask-wearing protocols. As a precaution, in-person classes must meet at 50% capacity with facial coverings as Auburn University adheres to local and state guidelines.
Throughout the pandemic, the Auburn University Med Clinic (AUMC) and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy have partnered to distribute the vaccine and are now striving to make receiving the vaccine as easy as possible. The A Healthier U campaign encourages students and faculty to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and participate in sentinel testing as a way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In addition, Dr. Fred Kam, Medical Director at the AUMC, offers weekly updates and addresses questions surrounding the pandemic.
Auburn continues to educate the community on the ever-changing situation through the COVID-19 Resource Center and social media platforms. Signage can be found on and surrounding the Auburn University campus. The website details the three-phased approach to distributing the vaccine, with priority given to high-risk individuals and those with clinical or job responsibilities.
The vaccines are administered at Beard-Eaves Memorial Coliseum. Auburn University has received shipments of the Moderna vaccine, one of the two FDA approved vaccines in response to COVID-19. Vaccines must be taken in two doses to be fully effective. The second dose of the Moderna vaccine must be taken four weeks later.

Vaccine card to keep track of vaccine date, location, etc.
Auburn University continues to encourage and promote getting vaccinated in the midst of mixed opinions and hesitations regarding the vaccine. Junior Danielle Barr, a nursing major, recounts, “I was kind of hesitant at first just hearing people talk about why they weren’t getting it. After doing my own research and listening to people I know that are in the medical field talk about it, I realized that for me, it made more sense to get it.” She encourages people who are on the fence about getting the vaccine to do their research and make an informed decision. While the vaccine is new, it has been thoroughly developed and researched.
Many who have been vaccinated say it feels similar to a flu shot. For Barr, her “arm was pretty sore that night and for the next day or two.” Mild side effects may include pain at the injection site and soreness, but these symptoms should go away after a few days. Adverse side effects are very rare. In many cases, students and faculty agree the benefits of getting the virus outweigh the risk. The vaccine is provided free to students and faculty. As Auburn continues to receive vaccine doses, consider what is the best decision for you and your health.